Welcome to the Research Centre
Development Communication - Communication for Social Change
mikopa is a conference series organized by the EC4SC center in cooperation with ZEOK e.v.
The first major research program of the EC4SC was approved by the VW Foundation.
The research centre Entwicklungskommunikation – Communication for Social Change (EC4SC) is located at the Institute for Communication and Media Science at the University of Leipzig.
The proposition is planned as a long-term scheme and aims to establish the focus Communication for Social Change.
The aim is to establish the focus C4SC in research and teaching as a cross-sectional area of communication science.
The research centre sets three focusses: Participation, Empowerment and Ownership and Mediation.
The research looks at the actors, formats and processes that use communication to generate change in society; in Germany and also internationally.
In this area, modules and concepts are developed for the teaching process. The focus is on the service learning and an international praxis transfer
Since we also want to engage socio-politically as a research centre, transfer plays a major part. The results will be transferred to society in different formats.
Um das Forschungs- und Praxisfeld der Entwicklungskommunikation noch stärker zu etablieren, präsentieren wir Ihnen hier Publikationen unserer Expert*innen und Arbeiten unserer Studierenden.