The dean's office of our faculty introduces itself to you.

enlarge the image: Blick aus dem GWZ, Foto: Christian Hüller
View out of the GWZ, Photo: Christian Hüller

Prof. Dr. Lorenz heads the faculty and represents it externally. She was elected by the Faculty Council in 2019 and re-elected in 2022. Her tasks are based on §6 of the faculty regulations.


Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz

Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz


Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

As Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Donges is in office since 2019 and was re-elected 2022. He deputizes for the Dean if she is unable to attend. He is also the contact person for research matters at the faculty.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges

Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges


Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Schneider was elected Dean of Studies in 2019 and re-elected in 2022. On behalf of the Dean, he is responsible for all study matters. He is also the chairman of the study commissions.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider

Dean of Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

Ms. Harrmann is the dean's assistant and is therefore responsible for all administrative and budgetary matters.

Barbara Harrmann

Assistant to the Dean

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

Carola Vater runs the dean's office and manages the household affairs in the dean's office. She is the first point of contact for contacting the dean's office.

 Carola Vater

Carola Vater

Secretary to the Dean's Office

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35600

The faculty's Equal Opportunities Commissioner works towards equal opportunities for women and men. He/she can also take part in appointment and application processes and is the contact person for faculty members on questions relevant to gender equality.

Equal Opportunities Commissioner is Dr. Judith Kretzschmar, Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner is Dr. Daniel Schmidt.

Dr. Judith Kretzschmar

Dr. Judith Kretzschmar

Commissioner for equal opportunities

Institute of Communication and Media Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.02
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35843
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31135750

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Study office

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Institutes of the faculty

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Boards & Commissions

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