Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University jointly offer this interdisciplinary Master's programme.

enlarge the image: A group of eleven students and a small kid pose in front of the main campus of Leipzig University.
Our MA and PhD students spend their second semester at the University of Leipzig

This cooperation prepares new grounds on several levels. Firstly, it is a joint programme – meaning that it is an equal partnership. Professors from Addis and Leipzig teach together in the programme and curriculum content is drawn from both universities. Addis Ababa and Leipzig University are prestigious higher education institutions and it is important that knowledge transcends borders in both directions.

The programme is also setting new grounds when it comes to diversity. There are  students and graduates from different countries  in the joint programme such as from Cameroon, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia and Germany, from Ghana, Japan, Nigeria and Rwanda, from Uganda, the USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This facilitates a unique academic environment in which students learn from each other and take different perspectives, a key skill required in humanities and social sciences in the 21st century.

The two-year programme is taught completely in English and students are three terms in Addis Ababa and one in Leipzig. It is a combination of expertise in ‘Peace and Security in Africa’ at the IPSS and research in globalization at GESI.

MA Students from Global Studies (Peace and Security in Africa) tell their experiences

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