Study Archive Communication and Media Studies
The Studienarchiv Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft makes holdings from various archive and collections accessible to students and staff at the institute.
Its users have access to specialist literature and textbooks, current and historical collections of regional to international newspapers and journals, well-graded theses written at the institute, a film collection, as well as press clippings on media development (media archive) for research purposes.
In addition, approximately 20 workstations (including four with PC and Internet connection), a viewing room for material from the media archive (with three workstations, one with a DVD player and two with PC and Internet connection), a card copier, and a scanner can be used.
External visitors are also welcome to research and investigate our collections.
Collections and Search
The media archive consists of an extensive collection of press clippings on media development in Germany and abroad, media history, communication studies, journalism and PR. It comprises three parts: documentation for the period 1970 to 1992 (former archive of the ARD Program Directorate, Munich), press clippings collection 1992 to approx. 2015 and special collection GDR/East Germany/Eastern Europe.
The PR archive consists of three parts: a historical sub-archive (PR-related articles from 1949-79), a modern PR media archive (contains exemplarily collected press kits, leaflets, brochures, company and customer magazines, environmental reports and annual reports), as well as an academic part (approx. 600 theses as well as PR magazines and PR literature).
Inspection of final theses from the PR archive (not available for loan).
List of available theses
1 MB (as of 03/2025)
On site, a formal search for bibliographic information is possible in the offline catalog.
Please note that thematic and content searches in our collections are limited:
Theses and Textbook Collection.
In the offline catalog, you can search by title keywords and by selectively assigned keywords.
The textbook collection is arranged according to an internal system based on subject areas.
Press archive
For a search by subject, a preliminary search in meta-catalogs, bibliographic databases (reference databases), or full text databases is required. You can then search for the sources of your hits (newspaper or magazine titles) in our collections.
All collections of the study archive can only be used in person.
Current daily and weekly newspapers, news magazines, popular magazines, and professional journals are located at the entrance in the counter area.
Final papers from 2010 and former textbook collection are in open access.
For media from the press archive, media archive, and film collection, viewing is only possible upon request.
A contribution to support your media search and your studies
Collection of links to free online offers
University library - digital offers for Communication and Media Studies
University library - e-resources
Free online resources in K10plus
DFG-required licenses for electronic media
List of links #BibliothekenSindDa #Bibliothekvonzuhause
Electronic and digitized newspapers
UBL - Elektronische Zeitschriften
SLUB - Sammlungen digital, zeitungen - historical newspapers
SBB - ZEFYS - Berlin state library Prussian Cultural Heritage
ZVDD - Zentrales Verzeichnis digitalisierter Drucke
Literature search and scientific work: