Dr. Johannes Gemkow

Dr. Johannes Gemkow

Wiss. Mitarb. FGZ

Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.17
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37788


Johannes Gemkow is a research associate at the Department of Media Literacy and Media Appropriation of the Institute of Communication and Media Studies. He studied communication and media science (BA) at the University of Leipzig and media anthropology (MA) at the University of Halle/Saale. His current research focuses on Social Media, populism and youth, media and information literacy, mediatization, and qualitative research methods. In his current research project at the Research Institute Social Cohesion he works on youth' experience on populism in Social Media.

Johannes Gemkow is a Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), the German Educational Research Association (GERA) and of the Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (German: GMK).


Professional career

  • since 01/2017
    Research Associate, Leipzig University, Department of Media Literacy and Media Appropriation, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • 02/2015 - 12/2016
    Research Assistant, Leipzig University, Department of Media Literacy and Media Appropriation, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy


  • since 04/2016
    Graduate Student, Leipzig University, Department of Media Literacy and Media Appropriation, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • 10/2013 - 09/2015
    Master of Arts, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Media and Communications Studies, Focus: Media Anthropology
  • 10/2008 - 03/2013
    Bachelor of Arts, Leipzig University, Institute of Communication and Media Studies

Research Focuses:

  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Mediatization
  • Theory and History of Media Education
  • Sociologies of Technology and Knowledge
  • Qualitative Research Methods

  • Strategies and skills for media use. Ways to participate in the digital society?
    Ganguin, Sonja
    Duration: 06/2020 – 05/2024
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
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more projects

  • Ganguin, S.; Gemkow, J.
    Media Literacy
    In: Bering, K.; Niehoff, R.; Pauls, K. (Eds.)
    Lexikon der Kunstpädagogik. Oberhausen: ATHENA. 2017. pp. 335–337.
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  • Ganguin, S.; Gemkow, J.; Treumann, K. P.
    Methodentriangulation in der medienpädagogischen Forschung: Von agonalen Paradigmen zu einer methodologischen Synergie
    In: Knaus, T. (Ed.)
    Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik: Projekt – Theorie – Methode. München: kopaed. 2017. pp. 125–154.
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  • Ganguin, S.; Gemkow, J.; Haubold, R.
    Information Overload as a Challenge and Changing Point for Educational Media Literacies
    2017. pp. 302–328.
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  • Gemkow, J.
    Medienkompetenz und die Mediatisierung des Wissens. Zum Potential der Dispositivanalyse am Beispiel mediatisierter Wissensbestände
    merzWissenschaft. 2017. pp. 19–30.
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  • Gemkow, J.; Ganguin, S.
    Populismus auf Social Media – Ein praxeologischer Ansatz
    In: Ertugrul, B.; Bauer, U. (Eds.)
    Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt – Sozialisation und generationaler Wandel.. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. 2023. pp. 61–90.
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more publications

The teaching profile of Johannes Gemkow serves an analysis of media theory and encourages education about theoretical terms and basic concepts to media education. Furthermore, the the opportunities and risks of (new) media towards media users are going to be evaluated.

The profile also reaches the Media's significance in educational processes, whereby media socialization, media literacy and media didactics are focuseed.

Beyond that, the teaching profile addresses the issue of media based construction of social reality. In addition, media educational institutions and orgranizations are taken in account.

  • Seminar "Orientation within the Communication and Media Studies"

  • Preparatory Course

  • Seminar "Media Education's Theory and History"

    Master, Winter Semester 2018/2019

  • Seminar „Qualitative Methodes in Media Education“

    Bachelor, Winter Semester 2016/2017