Research Assistant at the Centre for Journalism and Democracy at Leipzig University (JoDem), focusing on journalism competence and trust research.
Born in Erfurt, trained as a library assistant, A-levels for second chance education. Magister in communication and media studies and theatre studies at Leipzig University. Academic researcher in the DFG (German Research Fund) research project "Programme history of GDR television" and ass. Professor at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University (Department Media Science/Media Culture). Ph.D. degree with thesis about "Heimat" in GDR television. This resulted in a current project: "Unknown Images. Saxon local television in the post-reunification period". She is also on the board of the Research Center for the History of Transformation at Leipzig University and a member of the researcher’s "Study Group of Broadcasting and History" and the "Center for Science and Research | Media".
Professional career
- since 04/2019
- 04/2021 - 08/2021
- 08/2019 - 08/2021
- since 06/2017
- since 06/2016
- 10/2015 - 10/2016
- 06/2009 - 05/2010
- 04/2009 - 02/2019
- 01/2009 - 03/2021
- 04/2008 - 03/2009
- 03/2005 - 03/2008
- 11/2003 - 07/2004
- 10/2003 - 08/2007
- 10/2012
- 09/2003
- Journalismuskompetenz und Vertrauensforschung
- Kultur- und Transformationsforschung; Systemwandel in Ostdeutschland
- Sächsisches Lokalfernsehen in der frühen Nachwendezeit
- zeitgeschichtliche Forschung, Oral-History
- gesellschaftliche, politische und historische Dimensionen des individuellen und audiovisuell vermittelten Heimatbegriffs
- Theorie, Geschichte und Analyse audiovisueller Medien, insbesondere Film und Fernsehen
- Center for Journalism and DemocracyBeiler, MarkusDuration: 04/2019 – ongoingFunded by: SMWK Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und TourismusInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft; Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik des Sekundarbereichs; Politisches System Deutschlands und Politik in Europa; Journalismusforschung; Medienkompetenz und Aneignungsforschung; Politische Bildung und Bildungssysteme
- Evaluation of the institutions and measures to commemorate the Peaceful Revolution of fall 1989 in LeipzigBrunner, DetlevDuration: 11/2023 – 10/2024Funded by: Andere öffentliche BereicheInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft; Geschichte des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts
- Kretzschmar, J.; Beiler, M.; Krüger, U.; Döring, F.Von Lügenpresse und abgehobenen Eliten: Journalismus- und Demokratievertrauen in SachsenBielefeld: Transcript. 2025.ISBN: 978-3-8376-7560-3
Media Theories. Text Reading and its Application on Everyday Problems
What We See and What We Understand - The Power of Audiovisual Information and of Presentation Formats
Film Theory - Text and Contexts
Access to Film and Television Analysis
Digital Storytelling - Trans- and crossmedia storyworlds
Hybride Genres in Cinema and Television
Media Analysis
Media History
Theories of Film Aesthetics
Theory and Practice of Film Montage
Film History from the Beginnings until Today