Dr. Ringo Rösener

Dr. Ringo Rösener

Research Fellow

Institute for the Study of Culture
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H5 1.14
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35796
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35698


Ringo Rösener teaches arts management at the Institut for the Studies of Culture. He is currently engaged in his research on art during the HIV/AIDS crisis and cinema theatres as cultural places. Rösener is the writer of the feature documentary "Baldiga - Unlocked Heart" (2024: director: Markus Stein), as well as writer and co-director of the documentary "Among Men. Gay in East Germany" (2012). He is the author of the book "Freundschaft als Liebe zur Welt. Im Kino mit Hannah Arendt" (2017) and the editor of "Heinrich Blücher: Versuche über den Nationalsozialismus" (2020). He is responsible for the www.bluecher-project.com. He earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and his M.A. (Magister Artium) in Cultural Studies, Theater Studies, and Economics at Leipzig University.

He is a board member of the Fachverband für Kulturmanagement and organizer and moderator of Thomasius-Club Leipzig

For further information see: www.ringoroesener.info

Professional career

  • since 03/2017
    Research Fellow (Postdoc) at the Institut for Cultural Studies, Leipzig University
  • 04/2017 - 02/2019
    Employed part-time at Hoferichter & Jacobs Filmproduction GmbH, Leipzig
  • 04/2016 - 02/2017
    Teaching Assistent at the Chemnitz University of Technology
  • 01/2013 - 11/2016
    PhD Student in Philosophy at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Fellow of the Graduate School DFG "Friends, Patron, Clients" form 2013 to 2015)
  • 04/2009 - 12/2012
    Employee at Hoferichter & Jacobs Filmproduction GmbH, Leipzig
  • 07/2007 - 03/2009
    Working Student at Hoferichter & Jacobs Filmproduction GmbH, Leipzig


  • 01/2013 - 11/2016
    PhD in Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
  • 10/2003 - 03/2009
    Academic Studies of Cultural Science, Theater Science and Economics

The current focus is on, 1. ) queer culture, especially art during the HIV/Aids crisis, 2.) cinema theatres as cultural places, 3.) transfer between humanities and the cultural field

  • The Teaching of Philosophy. Hannah Arendt's Socrates: Heinrich Bluecher
    Rösener, Ringo
    Duration: 03/2019 – 02/2020
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
    show details
  • The Heinrich Bluecher Project — Open Source Publication of the Lecture Series »Sources of Creative Power«
    Rösener, Ringo
    Duration: 09/2019 – 06/2020
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
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  • Transfer through Co-creation
    Ringel, Johannes
    Duration: 10/2023 – 09/2026
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Stadtentwicklung (Urban Management); Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
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more projects

  • Rösener, R.
    Fotografie als engagierte Kunst – Queere Utopien während der HIV/AIDS-Krise
    Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik. 2023. 9 (1). pp. 79–104.
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  • Rösener, R.
    Freundschaft als Liebe zur Welt. Im Kino mit Hannah Arendt
    Weilerswist: Velbrück Verlag. 2017.
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  • Rösener, R.; Stein, M.
    Unter Männern - Schwul in der DDR (2012)
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  • Rösener, R.
    Dokumentarfilm: Baldiga - Entsichertes Herz (2024)
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  • Rösener, R.
    Wie nähert man sich Bildwerken?
    In: Karstein, U. (Ed.)
    Kunstsoziologie. . Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. 2024. pp. 263–290.
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more publications

  • Andere Ehrungen: Theodor-Litt-Preis für besonderes Engagement in der Lehre, für Verbesserung des Lehrbetriebs und für gute Beratung und Betreuung von Studierenden und Doktoranden
    Rösener, Ringo (Institut für Kulturwissenschaften)
    awarded in 2019 by Vereinigung von Förderern und Freunden der Universität Leipzig e.V. .
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more awards

  • Kultursoziologie; Öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verfassungslehre
    Best Practice in Transfer: Study Module Law and Culture
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/01/2017
    Ended on: 31/12/2021
    External participating organisations: Brawijaya University (Malang, Indonesia); Jakarta State University (Jakarta, Indonesia)
    Involved persons: Heinz, Marcus; Schmidt-Lux, Thomas; Rösener, Ringo; Enders, Christoph
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  • Institut für Kulturwissenschaften; Institut für Stadtentwicklung und Bauwirtschaft
    Stadtlabor: Retten Genossenschaften das Quartier? Quartierseffekte gemeinnützig orientierter Organisationen
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/10/2018
    Ended on: 28/02/2019
    Involved persons: Korzer, Tanja; Ringel, Johannes; Kosinski, Jörg; Karstein, Uta; Rösener, Ringo
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  • Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
    Wege in der Organisationsentwicklung
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/01/2021
    Ended on: 31/05/2021
    External participating organisations: Netzwerk für Kultur- und Jugendarbeit e.V. (Chemnitz)
    Involved persons: Karstein, Uta; Rösener, Ringo
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more cooperations

  • Monatliche Gesprächsreihe
    Institut für Kulturwissenschaften; Bibliotheca Albertina
    Event Organiser: Karstein, Uta; Schmidt-Lux, Thomas; Bergter, Caroline; Lamp, Christian; Schadewaldt, Annika Maja; Heuß, Marit; Rösener, Ringo
    01/10/2022 – 29/03/2025
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  • Workshoptag
    Braucht es eine Galerie für Transfer? Der Wissenstransfer zwischen dem kulturellen Feld und den Geistes-, Sozial-, und Kulturwissenschaften reflektiert
    Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
    Event Organiser: Rösener, Ringo; Spät, Lara; Fink, Justina; Thiel, Leon
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more events

Mainly teaching in the research area "Cultural Management and Sociology of the Cultural Field." In addition, teaching in the field of 'Aesthetics and Society", "Culture and Media", and "Current Research".

  • SoSe 2024: Work Place Movie Theater

    The graduate course is explicitly dedicated to the possibility of researching work in movie theaters. 

  • Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2023: Art and media of the HIV/AIDS crisis from 1981-1996

    Graduate Course

    Using selected (artistic) films, the seminar attempts to reconstruct the perspectives of those affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis who are often ignored (PoC, women, and those living in socially precarious situations).

  • Winter 2023: How does cultural sector benefit from digitalization?

    Undergraduate Course

    Together with eCulture project coordinator Jakob Freese (Leipzig City) on the question: What should a digital cultural platform be able to do?

  • Winter 2023/24: Introduction into Business Management and into Aspects of Cultural Financing

  • Introduction to Cultural Management

    Lecture for Undergraduate

  • Summer 2023: Cinema II — Empirical studies on the use and significance of the cinema as a cultural place

    Graduate Course

    The seminar used various perspectives to examine how cinema and the cinema program of selected Leipzig cinemas are perceived.

  • Summer 2023: Science Communication

    Graduate Course

    Analysis and strategy development of web presences and digital public relations of scientific institutes and other knowledge formats.

  • Winter 2022: (Art) Photography and Society

    Graduate Course

    On the theory of photography and methods of its analysis with cultural and social science issues

  • Winter 2022: The cinema as a cultural place. Between industry and art

    Leipzig University, Graduate Course

    Towards a theory on cinema theatres as cultural places.

  • Winter 2022: Cultural Leadership

    Undergraduate Course

    What is cultural leadership and how relevant is it for cultural institutions?

  • Summer 2022: Let's talk about Individuality! Communicate Individualization Theories

    Graduate Course

    With Johanna Rothmann and Flora Kampmann

  • Summer 2022: Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2021: Towards an Aesthetic of Dying. Arts in the HIV/Aids crisis

    Graduate Course

  • Winter 2021/22: Introduction into Business Management and into Aspects of Cultural Financing

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2021: How to design a textbook for Cultural Management? (with Uta Karstein)

    Graduate Course

  • Summer 2021: Introduction into Cultural Management. A textbook project (with Uta Karstein)

    Undergraduate Course

  • Summer 2021: Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2020/21: Science, Humanities and Culture.

    Graduate Course

  • Summer 2020: Organisation of the queerfilmfestival 2020

    Graduate Course

  • Summer 2020: Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2019/20: The Heinrich Bluecher Project

    Graduate Course


  • Winter 2018/19: City Laboratory: Will Cooperatives Cave the Quarter? Neighborhood Effects of non-profit Organizations

    Joint Graduate Course with the Institute for Urban Management, together with Dr. Tanja Korzer, Jörg Kosinski and Dr. Uta Karstein.

    Theodor Litt Prize for special commitment in teaching, for improving teaching and for good advice and support for students and doctoral candidates.

  • Winter 2018/19: On Curating

    Graduate Course

  • Winter 2018/19: Introduction into Business Management

    Undergraduate Course

  • Summer 2018: Concepts of the Culture- and Creative Industries II

    Undergraduate Course

  • Summer 2018: Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course

  • Winter 2017/18: Concepts of the Culture- and Creative Industries I

    Graduate Course

  • Winter 2017/18: Introduction into the Culture- and Creative Industries

    Undergraduate Course

  • Summer 2017: Social Media in the Arts

    Graduate Course

  • Summer 2017: Seminar on the Introduction into the Management of the Arts

    Undergraduate Course