Prof. Dr. Michael Haller

Prof. Dr. Michael Haller


Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35750
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35750


Michael Haller, Prof. Dr. phil. is academic director of the European Institute for Journalism and Communication Research (EIJK) in Leipzig. Until his retirement in fall 2010, he held the chair of General and Special Journalism at the University of Leipzig, where he helped establish the diploma program, which was reformed in 1992, and then the master's program in journalism. His research areas: Editorial and quality research (print and online); Deliberative theories of journalism and public communication in democracies; Identifying and teaching information and media literacy for the mediatized lifeworld.

Prof. Haller studied philosophy, political and social sciences at the universities of Freiburg i.Br. (international law) and Basel. He received his doctorate in political philosophy from Arnold Künzli and Manfred Riedel. His dissertation dealt with Hegel's philosophy of law in the context of the political upheavals during the Restoration ("System und Gesellschaft" in the series Deutscher Idealismus, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart). Before his appointment to the University of Leipzig, Haller worked for 25 years as a reporter and editor in various press media in the German-speaking world, including 5 years as department head at the Basler Zeitung, 13 years as a reporter at Der Spiegel, then as department head at Die Zeit.

  • Haller, M.
    Medien im Krieg: der Knochenjob der News-Medien (Nachdruck)
    Freie Presse Chemnitz . 2022.
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  • Haller, M.
    Medien im Krieg: der Knochenjob der News-Medien
    Fit for News ( 2022.
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  • Haller, M.
    Wenn es an Informationskompetenz mangelt – Alles nur *Lügenpresse“? Im Osten grassiert die Medienskepsis - weil es an Wissen über die Medien fehlt. Doch Abhilfe ist möglich
    Der Tagesspiegel. 2022.
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  • Haller, M.
    Der öffentliche Rundfunk steht unter Druck. (…) Nun braucht es eine Radikalreform
    NZZ am Sonntag. 2022.
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  • Haller, M.
    Über das Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Medien am Beispiel der Corona-Pandemie
    In: Fleischer, L.-G.; Pfaff, G. (Eds.)
    Pandemie: Wissenschaft-Politik-Medien. Disputation der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften vom 14.10.2021. Berlin: 2022. pp. 137–154.
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