In order to promote scientific exchange, the FAGI regularly invites guest researchers. Visiting professors offer in-depth seminars, and postdocs and doctoral students give lectures. There is a lively scientific exchange on research topics. Below you will find an overview of our current visiting fellows and the researchers who have been in Leipzig for a research stay.

enlarge the image: Seminar im Akademischen Jahr 2022/23 am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Leipzig, Foto: Swen Reichhold
Visiting Professor Michael Thompson (right) talking with Sebastian Rödl during a colloquium. Photo: Swen Reichhold

Research Fellows in the academic year 2023/24

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Prof. Dr. Andreja Novakovic

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

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Prof. Dr. Andreja Novakovic

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

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Prof. Dr. Andreja Novakovic

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

Dr. Glenda Satne

Dr. Glenda Satne

Fellow (Australia, Humboldt-Stiftung) since summer semester 2022

Institut für Philosophie
Geisteswiss. Zentrum
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig

Prof. Dr. John Schwenkler

Prof. Dr. John Schwenkler

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

Research Fellows in the academic year 2023/24

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Prof. Dr. Andreja Novakovic

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

Dr. Glenda Satne

Dr. Glenda Satne

Fellow (Australia, Humboldt-Stiftung) since summer semester 2022

Institut für Philosophie
Geisteswiss. Zentrum
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig

Prof. Dr. John Schwenkler

Prof. Dr. John Schwenkler

Fellow (USA, Humboldt-Stiftung) since winter semester 2022/23

Institut für Philosophie

Research Fellows in the academic year 2022/23

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He researches Pascal's epistemology and its connections to relativism and skepticism.


Yoen Qian-Laurent, Sorbonne-Université

Portrait von Yoen Qian-Laurent
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Research Fellows in the academic year 2021/22

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His work focuses on Kant and related topics in contemporary philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics and logic.


Andrew Stephenson, University of Southhampton

Foto Andrew Stephenson
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The evolving concepts of logic in the history of early analytic philosophy


Wim Vanrie, Ghent University

Wim Vanrie
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His dissertation provides a new interpretation and analysis of Elizabeth Anscombe's paper 'The First Person' (1975).


Jamie Elliott, DAAD/ CEU Research fellowship

Porträt von Jamie Elliot
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German Idealism, the History of Logic and Metaphysics


Bruna Picas Prats, Doctoral Researcher FI-SGR

Portrait von Bruna Picas Prats
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The Relationship between Reason and Sensation in Goethe's Werther; The Use of Arabesque Ornamentation in Neureuther's Marginal Drawings to Goethe's Ballads and Romances.


Matthew Stahlman, University of Chicago (MAPH Fellowship)

Portrait von Matthew Stahlman
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His main interest is in Kant and post-Kantian philosophy in the German and Anglo-American tradition, especially transcendental philosophy and its possible contributions to contemporary philosophical debates.


Maximilian Tegtmeyer, DAAD Research fellowship

Portrait von Maximilian Tegtmeyer
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Review of our visiting professors

In the past few years, numerous visiting professors have been active at FAGI. During their stay, they presented intensive seminars on various topics.

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