Prof. Alexander Freys

Prof. Alexander Freys

Adjunct Professor

Institute of Communication and Media Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35740


Prof. Dr. jur. Alexander F. J. Freys is a lawyer and notary in Berlin.

Law studies, legal clerkship and both state examinations in Munich, doctorate at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. Admitted to the bar in Munich in 1989, notary in Berlin since 1996. Member of the Broadcasting Council of the SFB. Chairman of the supervisory board of a stock corporation.

Prof. Freys has been an honorary professor of media and communications law at the University of Leipzig since 2003.

Media Law: The lecture serves as an introduction to media law with a focus on press law. The basic concepts of media and press law, general personal rights, the basics of copyright, criminal law relating to the press, claims for injunctive relief and damages under press law, as well as the right of reply are covered. The course concludes with questions of online law, social media and electronic publishing.