On this page, you will receive information regarding the module registration within the Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy.

enlarge the image:
The registration in the modules and courses is completely digital, Photo: Colourbox

General Information


The students within bachelor’s, master’s, and teaching programs of the University of Leipzig must register for courses, which are organized into modules. At the beginning of each semester, a module registration takes place in which the students within bachelor’s programs can either apply to participate in chosen modules (Choice Subjects) or register immediately for compulsory modules (Core Subjects). In master’s programs, the module registration will be confirmed immediately.

Exam Registration

The final registration is also the exam registration for the respective module. Attendance of a module or class alone does not warrant the participation in a module exam.
Subsequent enrollment in a module can only take place when a specific form has been signed by the respective teacher of a module. This is possible for up to four weeks after the start of classes and is not possible after this.

Repeating an Exam

If you fail a module’s exam, you must repeat it within one year (Second Attempt). If you don’t appear for this or if you fail once more, you are only able to have a chance at a third attempt by submitting a formal request to the Examination Board within your study program. If this request is approved, you will have to complete and pass the module’s exam at the next available examination date. Other than this, there is no other way for you to participate in an exam. For compulsory modules, de-registration hangs in the balance.
Please be aware that you cannot re-register for the same module the following year if you are still registered in the module. If you fail a module’s exam, you only have the right to repeat the exam. If you would like to participate in the classes again, please speak with the respective teacher or contact the Helpdesk.

Please be also aware that you are only able to deregister from an exam by deregistering from the module itself. If you miss the cut-off date for deregistering, you will remain registered for the exam and the deadlines for passing exams continue to be valid. The failure to participate in an exam (i.e. if you fail to turn in a term paper at all) will not save you from failing. Even then will the deadlines continue to be valid, even if you decide to have a break semester.
If you stay registered and fail an exam, you will have the right to repeat an exam. You are not entitled to a spot in the module in the following year. So if you notice that you will not be able to participate in an exam in that semester, please deregister from the module within the given deadline. Only this way will you be able to register the following year and have a spot in the module.

  • March 18th, 2024 (12:00pm) - March 25th, 2024 (5:00pm)
    Registration for Modules for students in teaching subjects.
  • March 20th, 2024 (12:00pm) - March 25th, 2024 (5:00pm)
    Registration for bachelor’s and master’s students in core and elective modules (including modules specific to cooperations within subjects) and submission of module preferences for choice and key skill subjects.
    Registration for exchange students within the faculty.
  • March 26th, 2024 (12:00 pm) - March 27th, 2024 (11:59 pm)
    Confirmation of the assigned choice and key skill subjects for bachelor’s students.
  • March 28th, 2024 (9:00am)
    Awarding of remaining seats in the Open Module database in Tool
  • April 1st, 2024 - April 29th, 2024
    Seminar switching and subsequent module registration
  • April 1st, 2024 - June 8th, 2024
    Module deregistration

The registration for modules belonging to one’s core subject takes place online on Tool on a first-come, first-serve basis. In certain cases, the core subject’s registration team can be contacted for an on-site registration (see overview below).

During this phase, register yourself for your core subject’s modules, which also means you are automatically registered for the module’s exam. The same applies for students who are taking elective courses. For bachelor’s courses within the choice module area and key skill modules, apply within the given time frame for the preference algorithm. You can find out if you were assigned your preferred modules and how you can confirm these in the next phase.


Modules that are not compulsory within the institute’s bachelor’s modules (i.e. choice and key skill modules) require a confirmation of their acceptance. Compulsory modules within a bachelor’s program and modules within a master’s program have already been registered for in the previous phase and do not require additional confirmation. The list of allocated modules in regards to your preferences will be released on March 26th, 2024 (at around 12:00pm) in Tool. You can discover which choice and key skill modules were assigned to you by going to the section labelled ‘Register Info’ in Tool. There, you can also find out how you can confirm your seat in the module. If you miss the confirmation, your seat will expire and you will no longer be guaranteed a spot in the module.

The confirmation of the assigned choice modules as well as the key skill modules occurs via Tool on March 26th, 2023 at 12:00pm until March 27th, 2023 at 11:59pm. Modules belonging to your core subject and in master’s programs do not have to be confirmed. Certain faculties have varying deadlines. Please be aware of the information given on Tool and on the web pages concerning a respective faculty’s module registration.
If you have questions, please contact the registration team in the Helpdesk.


The instructions for switching seminars and belated module registration are only valid for modules within the Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy. For modules belonging to other faculties, other rules and deadlines can apply. Please turn to the Study Offices of the respective faculties.

Study Offices

Between April 1st, 2024 and April 29th, 2024, you have the chance to switch to different seminars within a module or, if space is available, register for a different module belatedly. Please be aware that the form for this is no longer available on this page starting April 30th, 2024. In this case, please contact the Helpdesk, which will explain the further procedure.


  • Switching between classes is only possible if you are already registered for the respective module.
  • Switching without an official transfer through the Study Office is not allowed.
  • Without a module registration, you are not registered for a module exam. Pre-exam and exam merit will not be recognized.
  • Signed forms must be submitted by November 6th, 2023 to the faculty’s Helpdesk via Upload in contact form or directly in the office of the Helpdesk (Room H4.010 in the GWZ). Switching seminars or registering after April 29th, 2024 is only possible if a justified request is approved by the respective institute’s exam board.


If you would like to deregister yourself from a module during the semester, then you have the chance between April 1st, 2023 at 9:00am until June 8th, 2024 at 11:59pm.

  • April 01th, 2024 until April 29th, 2024
    Module deregistration in Tool. You can find all your modules unter ‘Registration info’. Change the status of the respective module to ‘not confirmed’, then click Save.
  • April 30th, 2024 until May 10th, 2024 at the latest
    During this time, online deregistration from a module is no longer possible due to module registration data being imported from Tool to AlmaWeb. If you would like to deregister during this time, please do so in the AlmaWeb system.
  • May 10th, 2024 at the latest until June 08th, 2024
    During this time period, deregistering from modules is only possible via AlmaWeb. Log into your account and go to the menu point “Registration status”. There, you will see the modules in which you are registered and from which you can deregister. You can find more how-to guides in the AlmaWeb portal under Help > Guides.

Please be aware:

  • Deregistering from exams is only possible according to the steps above.
  • After the deregistration deadline, deregistering from a module is no longer possible (also via the Exam Office directly). In this case, withdrawal from exams is only possible with a justified reason (i.e. certified long-term sickness, and circumstances beyond one’s control), which then has to be submitted in written form and then approved by the respective Exam Board.
  • If deregistration from a module takes place within the deadline, any completed achievements in the module will be void (according to §5 of the respective study program’s exam regulations)

Please also be aware that you can only deregister from an exam by deregistering from a module. If you miss the deadline, you will remain registered and the deadlines for passing an exam continue to be valid. Refusing to take an exam (i.e. if you don’t turn in a term paper) will not save you from failing. The deadlines continue to be valid, even if you decide to take a break semester.

Module Registration for Exchange Students

Exchange students must also register digitally in TOOL at our faculty.
Note the following information!

1) For exchange students with a Cooperation Agreement belonging to a study program within our faculty (taking a module within the exchange study program):

  • If you are coming to Leipzig with a Cooperation Agreement within a study program at the Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy and if you will be taking modules within a study program belonging to your exchange partner, you can register directly via Tool. If the Learning Agreement has been submitted on time to the responsible Erasmus coordinator, a spot in the module is guaranteed
  • You can view the list of modules offered by your exchange study program on the page dedicated to semester planning for exchange students
  • The registration takes place digitally via Tool. The registration deadlines are identical to the ones that your exchange program’s non-exchange students have. The same goes for the belated module registration and switching seminars.
  • Spots in a module’s classes are given on a first-come, first-served basis.


2) For exchange students with a Cooperation Agreement belonging to a study program within our faculty (taking a module belonging to a different study program within our faculty) and exchange students from the Institute of German Studies:

  • If you are coming to Leipzig with a Cooperation Agreement within a study program at the Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy or the Institute of German Studies and if you will be taking modules within a different study program within our faculty, you can register directly via Tool. However, the spots are limited and cannot be guaranteed
  • You can view the list of modules available for exchange students offered by other study programs in our faculty on the page dedicated to semester planning for exchange students.  
  • The registration takes place digitally via Tool. The registration deadlines are identical to the ones that your exchange program’s non-exchange students have. The same goes for the belated module registration and switching seminars.
  • Spots in modules and module’s classes are given on a first-come, first-served basis.


3) For exchange students with a Cooperation Agreement belonging to a study program within our faculty (taking a module belonging to a different faculty’s study program):

  • If you are coming to Leipzig with a Cooperation Agreement within a study program at the Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy and if you will be taking modules belonging to a different faculty, please contact the respective study program or the faculty to ask for a spot in the desired module. Please be aware that you will have to register electronically as well. Only if you are officially registered will you be able to receive a digital Transcript of Records at the end of your stay.
  • The Institute for German Studies also offers modules in which you can enroll digitally.
    Registration period: 26 to 27 March 2024 via tool


4) For exchange students from other faculties:

  • If you are coming to Leipzig with a Cooperation Agreement from a different faculty and would like to take modules belonging to our faculty, you cannot register digitally just yet. For registration, please use the form for switching seminars and belated module registration on this page.
  • If you have received all the teacher’s signatures, the Helpdesk will register you for the respective module. Please be aware of the registration deadlines.
  • Modules can only be taken as intended. Only taking individual classes is not possible if this isn’t intended.
  • Spots in modules cannot be guaranteed and are dependent upon how many seats are still available in a class.
  • Exchange students from the Institute of German Studies can also enroll digitally in our faculty’s modules. Point 2) applies to them.

We can help you further

You still have questions regarding module registration and deregistration? Please use the following contact form so that the Helpdesk can reach out to you.

Ihre Angaben
Falls Sie noch keine Matrikelnummer besitzen, verwenden Sie bitte 0.
Nutzen Sie für Anfragen bitte unbedingt Ihre studentische Mailadresse.

Bestätigung Mail-Adresse

Achten Sie bitte auf die Schreibweise @studserv.uni-leipzig.de Bei fehlerhafter Mailadresse können wir Ihnen nicht antworten.
Wählen Sie das Einschreibteam, welches für das Modul Ihrer Anfrage verantwortlich ist.
Nutzen Sie diese Option nur, wenn Plätze in der Restplatzbörse im Tool zur Verfügung stehen.
In den ersten vier Wochen nach Vorlesungsbeginn haben Sie die Möglichkeit mit dem Einverständnis der Lehrenden (per Unterschrift) Seminare zu wechseln oder in Module nachträglich aufgenommen zu werden. Beachten Sie dazu die Hinweise zur Moduleinschreibung auf der Seite unserer Fakultät..
Datenschutzerklärung zum Nachlesen.

University connection Halle – Jena – Leipzig

You study in Leipzig, Halle, or Jena and would like to take classes at one of the other universities? As part of the university cooperation between Halle - Jena - Leipzig you can audit classes at a different university and, in this way, individually enhance your learning. Find out how below.

The University Cooperation Halle - Jena - Leipzig allows students at the three universities to individually shape their studies and offers the following opportunities:

  • Attendance of classes
  • Acquirement of credits
  • Use of library and other university facilities
  • Transfer of credits from classes after confirmation of equivalence by the home university’s exam office

In order for the acquired credits to be recognized by your home university, please have the respective exam office confirm before applying that classes and credits can be transferred according to your university's study and exam regulations.

You can find more information as to what courses are offered on the respective university’s webpages:

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

University of Leipzig

For guidance and information as well as the issuance of your audit badge, please contact:

Leipzig university

 Heidrun Eger

Heidrun Eger

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung / Fernstudium

Goethestraße 3-5, Room 1.04
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30050
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130050

The following facilities are available to you at the partner universities in Halle and Jena:

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Abteilung 1 Studium und Lehre
Referat 1.3 Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, Studiengebühren, Stipendien und Wahlen
Barfüßerstraße 17 (Hinterhaus)
06108 Halle (Saale)

Jana Fähling
Tel.: 0345 5521321
Fax: 0345 5527608


Directly to the website

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

Dezernat für akademische und studentische Angelegenheiten
Studierenden-Service-Zentrum (SSZ)
Am Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena

Telefon: +49 3641 93-1111
Telefax: +49 3641 93-1112


Directly to the website

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