The 2024 Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology will take place May 30–31 2024 in Leipzig, Germany. May 29 will be reserved for a networking event of women in INAS.

zur Vergrößerungsansicht des Bildes: Bibliotheca Albertina. Main Entrance. Photo: Leipzig University Library
Bibliotheca Albertina. Main Entrance. Photo: Leipzig University Library

General information

Here you can access the program. We are delighted that Laura Nelson (University of British Columbia) will be delivering the 2024 keynote address on day 1. Day 2 has a round table on “Diverse data types: Catalyst for building and testing theories in analytical sociology” with Minsu Park (NYU Abu Dhabi), Eva Vriens (National Research Council of Italy) and Michael Mäs (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

The conference features a women’s event to establish a Women’s Forum for Analytical Sociology. The round table and networking event takes place in the afternoon of May 29, the day before the conference. We welcome as panelists Neha Gondal (Boston University), Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund (Oslo University), and Laura Nelson (University of British Columbia). The initiative is designed to empower and connect women in the field, with a special focus on younger scholars. Get in touch with the organizers Amalia Alvarez Benjumea, Selcan Mutgan, and Eva Vriens at womensforum[at]

The conference will also feature a pre-conference Workshop on the Science of Science.  The event will take place in the morning of May 29 and is organized by the European Network for the Science of Science. For registration and questions, please contact Samuli Reijula at samuli.reijula[at]

The registration desk will be open on Thursday morning (May 30) 8.45 – 9.30 in the Albertina Library (Bibliotheca Albertina), Beethovenstraße 6; please follow the INAS signs in the building.

29 May 2024, 09.00 – 12.00: Workshop on the Science of Science
29 May 2024, 16.00 – 18.00: Women’s Forum for Analytical Sociology
30 May 2024, 09.00 – 19.00: INAS Conference 
31 May 2024, 09.00 – 19.00: INAS Conference

Institute of Sociology / Bibliotheca­ Albertina  (Leipzig University)
Beethovenstraße 15 / Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig, Germany 

Marc Keuschnigg (Institute of Sociology, Leipzig University)
Heinz Leitgöb (Institute of Sociology, Leipzig University)


Institute of Sociology (Leipzig University, Germany)