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Von 24.-27.09.24 versammeln sich europäische Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler:innen im slowenischen Ljubljana zur 10. European Communication Conference der europäischen Fachgesellschaft ECREA unter dem Tagungstitel „Communication & social (dis)order“. Auch Angehörige unseres Instituts sind dort mit 16 Präsentationen zu aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen vertreten und engagieren sich anderweitig in der Fachcommunity. Niklas Venema kandidiert etwa als Vice Chair der ECREA Communication History Section.

Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz einschließlich Programm und Vortragszusammenfassungen finden Sie auf der Tagungswebsite. Wir freuen uns auf inspirierende Vorträge und Diskussionen und auf den Austausch mit unseren Kolleg:innen.


Hier die Beiträge unseres Instituts im Überblick:

Aleman, L., Krämer, B., Lechner, M., Frey, F. & Dorrani, C. (2024, 24.-27. September). It’s not (only) what you use, but how you use it. Exploring strategies of media use across media, situations and social classes [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Amit-Danhi, E., Pentzold, C., & Rakebrand, T. (2024, September). Between graphical 'excellence‘, literacy, and polysemy: A bi-national study of political visualization reception [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Bartsch, J., Bürgel, C. & Bartsch, A. (2024, 24.-27. September). Making sense of mortality. A qualitative analysis of media users’ meaningful experiences with media portrayals of death and dying [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Brockhaus, J. & Zerfass, A. (2024, 24.-27. September). Exploring strategies for positioning communication departments in organisations in times of social (dis)order [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Dorrani, C.,& Sukalla, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). Playing anxiety – Examining how game design can be used to experience mental illnesses [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Frey, F.,  Dorrani, C., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Lechner, M. (2024, 24.-27. September). Everybody's watching their own stream – Using trained introspection and self-observation to explore strategies of media use [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Gemkow, J. & Ganguin, S. (2024, 26. September). Youth and populism on social media - Epistemic crisis or polarization? [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Godulla, A., Seibert, D. & Hoffmann, C. (2024, 24-27. September). Deepfakes in the context of AI inequality: Analyzing disparities in knowledge and perceptions of deepfakes [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Kloß, A., Frey, F. & Klinge, K. (2024, 24.-27. September). Open and authentic? The effects of editorial production and prominence on the perceived authenticity of and empathy with mental health related self-disclosures on YouTube [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Lechner, M., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Dorrani, C. &  Frey, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). How we navigate through Spotify and what algorithms have to do with it. An exploratory analysis of navigation styles when using algorithmically curated audiovisual content [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ort, A. & Sukalla, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). Rethinking stigma assessment: A pre-registered, multi-group study on alternative scales [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Seibert, D., Raemy, P., Ötting, H.L., Godulla, A., Hoffmann, C.P., & Puppis, M. (2024, 24-27. September). What is a deepfake? Comparing a conceptual typology and journalists' perceptions of deepfakes and their implications for journalistic practice [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Pentzold, C., &  Hughes, E. (2024, September). How to make a smart place? Competitive space use, administrative overload, and holistic aspirations [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Schapals, A. K. & Pentzold, C. (2024, September). Media systems beyond journalism. Placing peripheral newsmaking on the map [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Venema, N. (2024, 24.-27. September). Ideas of the public sphere in the labor movement: Concepts of a communication order between ideals and fears [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Wolf, C. & Seibert, D. (2024, 24-27. September). A technology between rejection, ignorance, and acceptance: Analyzing the framing of near-surface geothermal energy in German public service and private media [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.