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Hier die Beiträge unseres Instituts im Überblick:
Aleman, L., Krämer, B., Lechner, M., Frey, F. & Dorrani, C. (2024, 24.-27. September). It’s not (only) what you use, but how you use it. Exploring strategies of media use across media, situations and social classes [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Amit-Danhi, E., Pentzold, C., & Rakebrand, T. (2024, September). Between graphical 'excellence‘, literacy, and polysemy: A bi-national study of political visualization reception [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Bartsch, J., Bürgel, C. & Bartsch, A. (2024, 24.-27. September). Making sense of mortality. A qualitative analysis of media users’ meaningful experiences with media portrayals of death and dying [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Brockhaus, J. & Zerfass, A. (2024, 24.-27. September). Exploring strategies for positioning communication departments in organisations in times of social (dis)order [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Dorrani, C.,& Sukalla, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). Playing anxiety – Examining how game design can be used to experience mental illnesses [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Frey, F., Dorrani, C., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Lechner, M. (2024, 24.-27. September). Everybody's watching their own stream – Using trained introspection and self-observation to explore strategies of media use [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gemkow, J. & Ganguin, S. (2024, 26. September). Youth and populism on social media - Epistemic crisis or polarization? [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Godulla, A., Seibert, D. & Hoffmann, C. (2024, 24-27. September). Deepfakes in the context of AI inequality: Analyzing disparities in knowledge and perceptions of deepfakes [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kloß, A., Frey, F. & Klinge, K. (2024, 24.-27. September). Open and authentic? The effects of editorial production and prominence on the perceived authenticity of and empathy with mental health related self-disclosures on YouTube [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Lechner, M., Krämer, B., Aleman, L., Dorrani, C. & Frey, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). How we navigate through Spotify and what algorithms have to do with it. An exploratory analysis of navigation styles when using algorithmically curated audiovisual content [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ort, A. & Sukalla, F. (2024, 24.-27. September). Rethinking stigma assessment: A pre-registered, multi-group study on alternative scales [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Seibert, D., Raemy, P., Ötting, H.L., Godulla, A., Hoffmann, C.P., & Puppis, M. (2024, 24-27. September). What is a deepfake? Comparing a conceptual typology and journalists' perceptions of deepfakes and their implications for journalistic practice [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Pentzold, C., & Hughes, E. (2024, September). How to make a smart place? Competitive space use, administrative overload, and holistic aspirations [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Schapals, A. K. & Pentzold, C. (2024, September). Media systems beyond journalism. Placing peripheral newsmaking on the map [Vortrag]. ECREA Bi-Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Venema, N. (2024, 24.-27. September). Ideas of the public sphere in the labor movement: Concepts of a communication order between ideals and fears [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Wolf, C. & Seibert, D. (2024, 24-27. September). A technology between rejection, ignorance, and acceptance: Analyzing the framing of near-surface geothermal energy in German public service and private media [Vortrag]. ECREA 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.