Nachricht vom

Donnerstag, 17.15 Uhr, Raum 5.55, Nikolaistraße 6-10, 04109 Leipzig (Strohsackpassage) at ReCentGlobe (

Topic: India vs. Pakistan: Historically inherited clash of majoritarian nationalisms. Why is the Kashmir conflict not yet resolved? Field work report.

Description: The unresolved conflict between India and Pakistan, manifested by recurring tensions, deep-rooted mistrust, and mutual accusations of a confrontational approach, has profoundly shaped political discourses in both countries. This historically inherited enmity not only remains a major hurdle to regional development, thus not serving the interests of Indian and Pakistani societies, but is also one of the key factors that contribute to the democratic backsliding in India and Pakistan. I will discuss these politico-ideological connotations, look at Indian and Pakistani narratives comparatively, and provide examples of how the conflict bolsters aggressive nationalism and, consequently, leads to the state of permanent tension between the two states and lack of resolution of the Kashmir conflict. I will share the results of my research carried out in Indian and Pakistani-administered Jammu and Kashmir and analyse the conflict’s multi-dimensional complexity.