Nachricht vom

The IB-Team invites you to join an Online Panel Discussion on "Indigenous peoples and local communities and their importance for protecting biodiversity - Perspectives from COP 16".

Das IB-Team lädt Sie ganz herzlich zu einer Online Panel Discussion zum Thema "Indigenous peoples and local communities and their importance for protecting biodiversity - Perspectives from COP 16" ein. 

Die Veranstaltung findet am 27.01. um 14:00-15:30 online statt. Sie können sich unter folgendem Link anmelden: 

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!


Beste Grüße

der IB-Lehrstuhl



The IB-Team kindly invites you to join an Online Panel Discussion on "Indigenous peoples and local communities and their importance for protecting biodiversity - Perspectives from COP 16" 

The event will take place online on 27th January at 14:00-15:30 PM. You can register through the following link: 

We look forward to your participation!


Best regards

the IB Chair