Our faculty introduces itself in the area of “research”. Receive information here about our research profile and current research projects in associations.
Our Faculty and Institute’s Research Profile
In research, the faculty combines a fundamental analysis of society with the examination of relevant, specific subject and problem areas; at the same time, it does a good job at conceptual, methodical, and fundamental work. Functional logic, stability and change in social structures and processes are examined at the macro, meso and micro level and with regard to international relations and transnational interdependencies - from disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Of the strengths belonging to the faculty regarding research, some include:
- a wide-ranging and often interdisciplinary networked research,
- an important role in university profile development with leading participation in successful research associations,
- sharp increase in the acquisition of third-party funded projects and scholarships for the qualification of high-performing young scientists,
- a high international mobility of scientists and international research networks,
- Networking with non-university and university locations in the region (GWZO, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, MPIs for Ethnology in Halle and Leipzig).
The institutes especially dedicate themselves to the following main areas of research:
Change of media and society, as part of digitalization and its social, economical, political, cultural, historical and ethical dimension and consequences.
rEsearch at the institute of Communication and media studies
University research association and profile building
Our faculty contributes a central part to the further development of the university’s strategic research field “changing order in a globalized world” and takes part especially in the following cross-faculty research associations:
- Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics
with the consolidated research areas, including
► SFB 1199 „Processes of spatialization under the global condidtion“
(Speaker: Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell)
► the collegiate research group 2314 „Multiple Secularities“
(Co-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr)
► The Research Institute Societal Solidarity
(Speaker: Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell)
► The Leibniz-Science - Campus Eastern Europe – Global Area
(Co-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell)
► The Jean-Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-PECE
(Speaker: Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz) - French center
- „Quantel“KCompetence Center for Quantitative Empirical Social Research in Leipzig
(Speaker: PD Dr. Ivar Krumpal) - Leipzig Lab AG Global Health
(Contact: Prof. Dr. Marian Burchardt/ Prof. Dr. Maren Möhring)
Scientific Building (Global Hub)
Our faculty supports the development of a scientific building (Global Hub), which connects the capacities of various faculties with the education of doctorate students in the Graduate School Global and Area Studies and with an infrastructure for Digital Humanities, transregional cooperations, transfer of knowledge, and academic communication, and offers because of this completely new opportunities for the research of global processes and structures.
Associations with other Universities
Our faculty utilizes the cooperation with our neighboring universities in Halle and Jena in the Forum for the Study of the Global Condition as a platform for mutual research.
Apart from the participation in interdisciplinary associations, projects with partners from other universities play a central role in individual projects for the research balance at our faculty, including:
- „The Influences of Policy Actors on UN Policy Programs on Climate Change Education“
(Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck; 2019–2023, canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) - „The Development of Inequalities in Child Educational Achievement“
(DFG Association Project with partners from the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, and Germany, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider, 2019-2022, DFG) - „PraxisdigitaliS“
(Prof. Dr. Sonja Ganguin with partners of the TU Dresden, 2020-2023, BMBF) - "Cultural and Socioeconomic Division and Right-wing Populism in the German Society"
(Prof. Dr. Holger Lengfeld, 2020-2024, Leibniz-Society) - „Together strong: Networks of Cultural Education“
(Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck with Association Partner at the University of Hildesheim, 2018-2022) - „Erbe 89“
(Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, 2018-2022, BMBF) - „MetaKLuB“
(Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck, 2019-2024, BMBF)
Participation in structured postgraduate education
The Faculty at the Postgraduate Center for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Research Academy Leipzig participates in the cross-faculty Graduate School Global and Area Studies and has an instrument available for the dynamization, internationalization, and doctorate qualification. At the same time, the faculty puts forth an effort to include further subjects and subject areas in the structured postgraduate education and develops postgraduate study programs in order to strengthen the faculty’s development of young staff and the base of research.